Tuesday, September 23, 2014

We've only just begun...

Discoveries through Creative Movement

Puppets and Pretend

Slow Walking Journey

Fall Learning Explorations


New Beginnings...

Welcome to the 2014-15 School Year! 

Thanks for ALL of your support and the apples!

Thanks for the Wonderful Journey!


Inspired by Claude Monet and Paul Salopek

Literacy in Early Childhood

Thank you Mrs. Harvey!

One Hundred Languages

Study Group Reflections

Teachers as Life~Long Learners

Boxborough Garden Club Thank You

Celebrating NAEYC's Week of the Young Child

Creative Movement

Weaving in our Environment

Using the ChatterPix App to express our Feelings

Reflecting on Learning Explorations ~ 2013-14 School Year

Reflecting on Learning Explorations
from the
2013-14 School Year

Green Explorations & Motor Monday

                                                                         Green Day Explorations! Motor Monday ~ PM Class