Thursday, April 30, 2020

Baking Explorations!

Building Early Literacy Skills... 
Can you name all these items?  What are they used for? 

Can you make letters and shapes?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Friday Family Shares!

Stay connected... inspired... exploring and sharing!

Stay healthy!  Sending big smiles to ALL!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Family Shares ....

Thanks for sharing! ... not sure why some are sideways! 
I tried to edit a few times... let's just roll with it!  Wishing everyone a good weekend!  
Sending lots of BIG SMILES your way:)

Scientists, Bakers, Random Acts of Kindness & More! Please look at these photos with your child to learn more and ask questions ~ Enjoy!

Random Acts of KINDNESS ... "A flower to make your heart feel HAPPY!"  Just look at ALL these smiles!! Moments in Our Days💗 ...Pl...