Friday, June 5, 2020

Sailing into Friday Family Posts...

            Can you find the sailboat?...row boats?... Kayak? ... Seaweed?... 2 birds?

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

SAILING into our last couple of weeks in school...

If you made a boat, please share a photo!  We would love to see your creation!  
Did your boat sink or float?  What kind of boat did you make?  

Monday, June 1, 2020

I Spy with My Eye a Garden! Can you find...?

What shape are these gardens?  
What do you see?  Can you find plants, the color purple, shells, sand, gardening gloves, trowel and rock?

Scientists, Bakers, Random Acts of Kindness & More! Please look at these photos with your child to learn more and ask questions ~ Enjoy!

Random Acts of KINDNESS ... "A flower to make your heart feel HAPPY!"  Just look at ALL these smiles!! Moments in Our Days💗 ...Pl...